Sam Girdich

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Now leave.

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Relax. It's my blog. I like telling stories and historical research. Beyond, perhaps, thinking and laughing bit you shan't be harmed at all. Probably.

If sequential art and story posters are your thing, check out my collaborative work with illustrator Mark Gonyea. We've dropped a vampire into medieval Japan, raised zombie bread, killed ourselves in a haunted house, threatened all humanity with weaponized curiosity, told the origin story of the Red Shirts, and lots more over the years.

Strongarm Labs 

Social media.
Facebook/Strongarm Labs
Mark's Twitter: @markrgonyea
My Twitter: @Strongarmlabs

I occasionally make a video for fun.

My Amazon Author page.

You owe it to yourself to check out Mark's excellent work. He's an accomplished illustrator and published author.

Be well, gentle reader. - Sam